
Showing posts from February, 2021

reservation was backward class not for caste in constitution

                            Backward class reservation Reservation was for backward class not for backward caste Km munshi clarified it is a generic term not caste   30 NOVEMBER 1948 K M MUNSHI we want to see that backward classes, classes who are really backward, should be given scope in the State services; for it is realised that State services give a status and an opportunity to serve the country, and this opportunity should be extended to every community, even among the backward people . That being so, we have to find out some generic term and the word "backward clas s" was the best possible term. When it is read with article 301 it is perfectly clear that the word "backward" signifies that class of people--does not matter whether you call them untouchables or touchables, belonging to this community or that,--a class of people who are so backward that special protection is required in the services and I ...

ten year only hindu and initialy 20 year reservation andConstitutional assembly members who opposed reservation

  Constitutional assembly members who opposed reservation Amendment   by thakur das bhrgav   that   reservation   will be only for ten yea r26 may 1949 Mr. President: Then there is the amendment which was moved by Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava. Pandit Balkrishna Sharma (United Provinces: General): I think the mover accepts the amendment. The Honourable Sardar Vallabhbhai J. Patel: Yes, Sir, I accept the amendment. Mr. President: The question is; "That the following be added to the Motion:- "The provisions for reservation of seats and nominations will last for a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution The amendment was adopted Amendment by    km munshi   and shibban lal saxena that only hindu will get sc benefit 27 august 1947 Prof. Shibbban Lal Saksena (United Provinces: General) : Mr. President Sir, my amendment is No. 85 and it says that the words "scheduled castes" be deleted from the schedule. The pu...

roll of sardar patel in reservation he was against reservation in service rejected 35% sc vote demand for winning of ambedkar and other harijan leaders less than 50% reservation in constituition backward class not caste and ten year only reservation and reservation to only hindu sc

       Sardar patel and his roll in reservation Sikhs muslimss and ambedkar were demanding reservation. for setting this issue an advisory committee was constituted and sardar patel was made chairman of  this committee the general notion is that ambedkar gave reservation but it is totally wrong  ambedkar Was only a member of this committee  sardar pastel was against the reservation in service see his speech 27  august  1947 Sardar patel Then comes representation in the services. The general standard that we have accepted is that ordinarily competitive posts must go by merit and if we are to depart from this, the general administration would suffer immensely. It is well-known that since this departure has been introduced in the matter of services, our administration has suffered considerably. Now that we begin afresh, we must see that where we have to fill some administrative posts of a higher level, these posts have to b...