reservation was backward class not for caste in constitution
Backward class reservation Reservation was for backward class not for backward caste Km munshi clarified it is a generic term not caste 30 NOVEMBER 1948 K M MUNSHI we want to see that backward classes, classes who are really backward, should be given scope in the State services; for it is realised that State services give a status and an opportunity to serve the country, and this opportunity should be extended to every community, even among the backward people . That being so, we have to find out some generic term and the word "backward clas s" was the best possible term. When it is read with article 301 it is perfectly clear that the word "backward" signifies that class of people--does not matter whether you call them untouchables or touchables, belonging to this community or that,--a class of people who are so backward that special protection is required in the services and I ...