dalit leader wo demanded reservation on discrimination
27 august 1947
Shri V. I. Muniswami Pillai (Madras : General)
Often it is said though the Depressed Classes have the required qualification, under some pretext or other they are not given chances in the service
30 november 1948
Shri R. M. Nalavade (Bombay: General):
Our experiencein the provinces, though there are
provisions forreservation in the services, is bitter. Even though thedepressed
classes are educated and qualified, they are notgiven chances of employment
under the ProvincialGovernments. Now that we have provided for this in the
Constitution itself, there is no fear for the Scheduled castes. According to
this clause we can be adequatelyrepresented in the provincial as well as in the
Centralservices. I therefore support this clause on behalf of thedepressed classes.
30 november 1948
Shri H. J. Khandekar
condition of thescheduled castes has been explained by many friends who
madetheir speeches in the House. The condition is so deplorablethat though the
candidates of the scheduled castes apply forcertain Government posts, they are
not selected for theposts because the people who select the candidates do
notbelong to that community or that section. I can give so manyinstances about
this because I have got the experience fromall provinces of the country that
the scheduled caste peoplethough they are well qualified do not get opportunity
andfair treatment in the services
30 november 1948
Shri Santanu Kumar Dass (Orissa: General):
You know that there aremany vacancies in the Railway and
Postal Departments. Theseposts are advertised. We receive interview letters and
ourcandidates come from distant places for interview, but theircases are not at
all considered and they are totallyignored, whereas those who have been working
as apprenticesare selected as they have a strong backing from theirdepartments.
What do we gain by these advertisements? Whenthere is a chance we are ignored.
Then, why do you advertiseat all?
Seth damodar swarup
Has just said that there isno need for reservations as public
Commission wouldsecure impartiality. But in this connection i
would like
Topoint out that though there is a public service commission,and
Appear at its examination and many of thosewho qualify appear in
the lists,
Yet when there is a chanceof filling posts those who have not even
appeared at
Theexamination are taken in. How does it happen? It happensbecause
such people
Have a strong backing which enables themto get selected. I am
afraid the
Continuation of publicservice commissions would be of no use for
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