
Showing posts from February, 2022


  26 MAY 1949 SARDAR PATEL         Here a proposal was brought forward by one friend from Madras, for reservation and for communal electorates. Now when the separate communal electorate motion was moved, it was supported by the great Muslim leader, who swore loyalty to the Constitution in this House and immediately after packed off to Karachi       Those who claim that in this country there are two nations and that there is nothing common between the two, and "that we must have our homeland where we can breather freely", let them do so. I do not blame them. But those who still have that idea that they have worked of it, that they have got it and therefore they should follow the same path here, to them I respectfully appeal to go and enjoy the fruits of that freedom and to leave us in peace. There is no place here for those who claim separate representation. Separate representation, when it was introduced in this unfort...


       Now the other case is that of the Sikhs. I have always held the Sikh community with considerable respect, regard and admiration. I have been their friend even though sometimes they disclaimed me. On this occasion also i did advise them that if they insisted I sill give it to them and induce the Committee to agree. But I do feel that this is not in their interests. It is for them to decide. I leave it to them. to ask for this concession for the Scheduled Caste Sikhs does not reflect credit on the Sikh community. They quoted Ranjit Singh who gave such help to the Scheduled Castes. What empire did they hold, the Scheduled Castes? They have been the most down-trodden people, absolute dust with the dust. What is their position today in spite of all our tall talk?           That is what the Scheduled Castes are. They are not people who keep kirpans. They are a different lot. But to keep a kirpan or a sword and to e...

shahu letter to british

  HOME मुखपृष्ठ   NEWS & POLITICS समाचार और राजनीति   INDIAN SOCIETY भारतीय समाज   BAHUJAN CULTURE बहुजन संस्‍कृति   EMPOWERMENT सशक्तिकरण   REPORTS रिपोर्ट   ADVICE सलाह   FP BOOKS एफपी बुक्स Shahuji Maharaj to Lord Sydenham in 1918: ‘Brahmins rule India’ On the 118th anniversary of the first order issued by a government in India to implement reservations in state services, we republish a letter the issuer of that order, Shahu of Kolhapur, wrote to Lord Sydenham, former governor of the Bombay Presidency, explaining why caste-based reservations were an absolute necessity BY  CHHATRAPATI SHAHUJI MAHARAJ छत्रपति शाहूजी महाराज   ON  JULY 25, 2020   NO COMMENTS इस लेख को हिंदी में पढ़ें In this letter addressed to Lord Sydenham, former governor of the Bombay Presidency, in September 1918, Shahuji, the ruler of Kolhapur, makes a case for communal (caste) representation in the legislative councils, elected by separate electorates...