
Showing posts from March, 2022

history of reservation

 DP E-GM- 1 stooo1 120 1 6-GM-FTS-592 1 Government of lndia Ministry of Heavy lndustries & Public.Enterprises DePartment of Public EnterPrtses Public EnterPrises Bhavan' Block No' 14, CGO ComPlex' Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003' Dated: 17th October, 2016 To, The Liaison Officer of GPSEs' (as per list) Subject:BrochureonReservationforSCs/STsandoBGs-reg. Sir/Madam, EnclosedpleasefindherewithacopyofBrochureonReservationforSCs/STsand oBcs for reference and record please. This Brochure has two parts i.e' Part-A and Part-B' The part-A contain write-up on Reservation Policy and Part-B contains only OMs/Guidelines. Yours sincerelY. (J Nsu$fl Direc actualy  this is official letter of ralway ministery which ia written above but could not be taken as picture form Evolution of the Scheme of Reservation 1.7 On attainment of Independence, instructions were issued on 21-9-47 providing for reservation of 12 ½ per cent of vacancies for SCs in respect of recruitment made b...

ambedkar resignation speech simon commission

  DR. AMBEDKAR’S RESIGNATION SPEECH March 10, 2011   Prakash   Speeches Indian Parliament Most of us know Dr. BR Ambedkar’s ideological fights with Gandhi. Not many, however, would know the kind of issues Dr. Ambedkar had with Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister. The modernist Pt. Nehru had turned so conservative after India’s freedom – or he was a conservative throughout his life that Dr. Ambedkar could no more remain his co-traveler and had to resign from his Cabinet on September 27, 1951. Reproduced [Ambedkar’s Writings, Vol. 14, Part Two, pages.1317-1327] is the full text of Dr. Ambedkar’s speech on his resignation Text of the Resignation  The House I am sure knows, unofficially if not officially, that I have ceased to be a member of the Cabinet.  I tendered my resignation on Thursday, the 27th September to the Prime Minister and asked him to relieve me immediately.  The Prime Minister was good enough to accept the same on the very n...

plight of hindu in sindh pakiistan

 in  1941 census the sindh  prant total poulation of sindh was  total population  45 lax 35 thousands  muslim population 32 lax 8 thousands 27% hindu population 12 lax 35 thosannds 71% they have reduced hindus now only 1% whereas in india  in 1951 census muslim were only 9% and now they had grown up to 15% in 1931 census total population of united province present up was  4  crod 95 lax and muslim were 74 lax 25 thousansnds 

शंबूक वध और उत्तरकांड

 llllll 1946 के चुनाव में मद्रास मुंबई यूपी-बिहार सब जगह के मुसलमानों ने गांधी को हराकर जिन्ना को जिताया था 95% वोट जिन्ना को दिया था तो अगर अब कोई कहता है कि जब जिसने जिन्ना को वोट देकर पाकिस्तान बनाया चले जाओ तो  H l ऊपर दिए गए चित्र को देखिए यह उत्तर कांड के सर्ग का  है इसमे  भगवान राम को मांस खाते और नर्तिक्यो का नृत्य देखते लिखा हुआ है इसलिए ये कांड ही पूरा क्षेपक है

releveant point on poona pact

 As you know, the British government sent Simon Commission in 1927 to work out the possible administrative changes in order to make the legislative bodies more representative. The Indian National Congress decided to boycott the Commission on the ground that there was no Indian representative in the Commission, whereas the Depressed Classes decided to cooperate with the Commission. The reason for cooperating with the Commission was probably to create pressure on the upper caste leaders to give legitimate political rights to the Depressed Classes. Inspite of the demand for separate electorate for the Depressed Classes, the Simon Commission recommended for reservation of seats for the Depressed Classes but did not support the demand for separate electorate. Although the leaders of the Depressed Classes were not happy with the recommendations, it definitely provided them much strength to bargain for their legitimate rights. This was the time when Ambedkar emerged as the strong exponent...

communal award and poona pact

He was appointed to the Bombay Presidency Committee to work with the all-European  Simon Commission  in 1925. [43]  This commission had sparked great protests across India, and while its report was ignored by most Indians, Ambedkar himself wrote a separate set of recommendations for the future Constitution of India   Structure 9.1 Introduction Aims and Objectives 9.2 Representation of Depressed Classes 9.3 Communal Award 9.4 Poona Pact 9.5 Responses to Poona Pact 9.6 Summary 9.7 Terminal Questions Suggested Readings 9. 1 INTRODUCTION  Since late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries there was a growing awareness among the Depressed Classes to raise their voices for legitimate rights and social equality, which they have been denied of over the years. The British government, under the pressure of the Indian national movement, initiated constitutional reforms to accommodate Indians in various representative bodies. When for the first time the Morley - Minto Ref...

demand of reservation in cabinet by dalit leaders and rejection by patel

dalit leaders demanded reservation in cabinet also Shri V. I. Muniswami Pillai (Madras : General) 27 august 1947 Much has been said about the representation of minorities in the Cabinet. I am one of those, Sir, who believe in political power for the elevation of the weaker sections of our land. It is by holding offices that these people are bound to come in contact with these unfortunate minority communities and see for themselves what should be done to elevate them. if I plead that there ought to be proper representation of these minorities in the Cabinet, I do not mean, Sir, that the Cabinets will become polluted or it win become inefficient but equal opportunity must be given. Once you give reservation an population basis, I also claim,  Sir, that representation in the Cabinet also must be in that proportion . Sir, events have shown in this country that the members that have been drawn from Scheduled Castes to various offices as Ministers and Speakers of the Assembly have proved...

sudhir agrawal judjement about adequate representation and exclusion of yadav kurmi caste from obc list

  Sumit Kumar Shukla And Others v. State Of Uttar Pradesh And Others Judgment Future Reference Cited In Advocates Bench Eq Citations Sumit Kumar Shukla And Others v. State Of Uttar Pradesh And Others (High Court Of Judicature At Allahabad) Civil Miscellaneous Stay Application No. 247959 of 2013 in Civil Miscellaneous Writ Petition No. 46249 of 2013 | 03-10-2013 Sudhir Agarwal, J.—The Four petitioners who have come to this Court by way of this writ petition, filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, are aspirants for the post of Constable in Civil Police (hereinafter referred to as "C.P."), Fireman and Provincial Armed Constabulary (hereinafter referred to as "P.A.C."), for which, an advertisement/requisition has been published by Uttar Pradesh Police (Recruitment and Promotion Board) vide notification dated 20.6.2013 with respect to 35,500 vacancies of Constable, C.P., 4033 vacancies for Constable, P.A.C. and 2077 vacancies for Fireman. Out of above, 177...