history of reservation
DP E-GM- 1 stooo1 120 1 6-GM-FTS-592 1 Government of lndia Ministry of Heavy lndustries & Public.Enterprises DePartment of Public EnterPrtses Public EnterPrises Bhavan' Block No' 14, CGO ComPlex' Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003' Dated: 17th October, 2016 To, The Liaison Officer of GPSEs' (as per list) Subject:BrochureonReservationforSCs/STsandoBGs-reg. Sir/Madam, EnclosedpleasefindherewithacopyofBrochureonReservationforSCs/STsand oBcs for reference and record please. This Brochure has two parts i.e' Part-A and Part-B' The part-A contain write-up on Reservation Policy and Part-B contains only OMs/Guidelines. Yours sincerelY. (J Nsu$fl Direc actualy this is official letter of ralway ministery which ia written above but could not be taken as picture form Evolution of the Scheme of Reservation 1.7 On attainment of Independence, instructions were issued on 21-9-47 providing for reservation of 12 ½ per cent of vacancies for SCs in respect of recruitment made b...