history of reservation

 DP E-GM- 1 stooo1 120 1 6-GM-FTS-592 1 Government of lndia Ministry of Heavy lndustries & Public.Enterprises DePartment of Public EnterPrtses Public EnterPrises Bhavan' Block No' 14, CGO ComPlex' Lodhi Road, New Delhi-1 10003' Dated: 17th October, 2016 To, The Liaison Officer of GPSEs' (as per list) Subject:BrochureonReservationforSCs/STsandoBGs-reg. Sir/Madam, EnclosedpleasefindherewithacopyofBrochureonReservationforSCs/STsand oBcs for reference and record please. This Brochure has two parts i.e' Part-A and Part-B' The part-A contain write-up on Reservation Policy and Part-B contains only OMs/Guidelines. Yours sincerelY. (J Nsu$fl Direc

actualy  this is official letter of ralway ministery which ia written above but could not be taken as picture form

Evolution of the Scheme of Reservation 1.7 On attainment of Independence, instructions were issued on 21-9-47 providing for reservation of 12 ½ per cent of vacancies for SCs in respect of recruitment made by open competition. In case of recruitment otherwise than by open competition this percentage was fixed at 16 2/3 per cent. Difference between recruitment by open competition and otherwise then by open competition has been explained in Chapter-II. After the Constitution was promulgated, MUA, in its 7 Resolution of 13-9-50, provided 5 per cent reservation for STs apart from the percentage fixed for SCs already in force. The 1951 Census showed that the percentage of SCs in the total population was 15.05 per cent and that of ST 6.31 per cent. The percentages were not revised at the time as a comprehensive bill revising the lists of SCs and STs was under consideration. The other reason for not revising the percentage was that reservation had already been provided for SCs in posts filled otherwise than by open competition to the extent of 16.66 per cent and instructions had also been issued for following a regional and local percentage for Class III and Class IV posts attracting candidates from a locality or a region. The 1961 Census revealed that the SC and ST population in proportion to the Indian population stood at 14.64 per cent and 6.80 per cent respectively. Accordingly, the percentage of reservation for SCs and STs was increased from 12 ½ and 5 per cent to 15 per cent and 7 ½ per cent respectively on 25-3-70. The 1971 Census did not warrant any such review. The actual impact of 1981 Census figures on all India percentages could not be known because the Census of 1981 could not be carried out in the State of Assam. The Government in 1993 introduced reservation for Other Backward Classes in direct recruitment broadly at the rate of 27%. After introduction of reservation for OBCs, total reservation for SCs, STs and OBCs comes to 49.5% in case of direct recruitment on all India basis by open competition and 50% in case of otherwise than by open competition. As per various judgments of the Supreme Court, total reservation for these communities cannot exceed the limit of 50%.

Non-Applicability of Reservation 2.22 Reservations do not apply to:

 (i) Temporary appointments of less than 45 days duration; [O.M.No.27/4/67(II)- Estt.(SCT) dated 24/09/1968] (ii) Work-charged posts which are required for emergencies like flood relief work, accident restoration and relief etc. [36021/9/76-Estt.(SCT) 10/2/1977] (iii) Promotions by selection method from a Group ‘A’ post to another Group ‘A’ post.[ 36028/21/7/2003-Estt.(SCT) dated 29/01/2004] (iv) Appointments to Scientific and Technical posts which are above the lowest rung of Group ‘A’.[O.M.No.36012/27/1994-Estt(SCT) dated 13/05/1994 (v) Deputation/Absorption.[O.M.No.36012/7/77-Estt(SCT) dated 21/01/1978] (vi) Single post cadres


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