Halala of MUSLIM sultan wife
Halala of sultan wife
The Shaikhs
used to marry in high families and possessed a clout which sometimes became a
problem for Sultans. A sixteenth century Suhrawardi writer says148 that Shaikh
Sadruddin Arif had married a divorced wife of Prince Muhammad, the eldest son
of Balban. The circumstances of this marriage are given as follows: The prince
divorced his wife, whom he passionately loved, in a fit of fury. When he
recovered his normal state of mind, he felt deeply pained for what he had done.
Legally he could not take her back into his harem unless she was married to
someone else and then divorced by him. A man of genuine piety was searched to
restore the broken relationship. Shaikh Arif, the most outstanding saint of the
town, promised to marry the princess and divorce her the next day. But, after
the marriage, he refused to divorce her on the ground that the princess herself
was not prepared to be divorced. This incident led to bitterness between the
saint and the prince. The latter even thought of taking action against the
Shaikh, but a Mongol invasion cut short the thread of his life. Shaikh Salim
Chishti had great influence with emperor Akbar, much more than Sadruddin Arif
had in the time of Balban. And both Badaoni and Father Monserrate make
unflattering comments about Shaikh Salim.149 The Sufi Mashaikh lived a
full-fledged life, different from saints of other religions. But among Indian
Muslims their memory has always been cherished with utmost reverence.
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