source of this article भारत के सबसे प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार डॉ राम गोपाल मिश्रा जी ने अपनी किताब indian resistance to muslim invasion में इन सभी युद्ध का वर्णन किया है यह किताब अमेज़न पर और सब जगह उपलब्ध है आप गूगल सर्च करिए मिल जाएगी अगर बहन बेटियों की शादी से किसी का राज बच जाता तो पाकिस्तान अफगानिस्तान बांग्लादेश ईरान इराक सीरिया अफगानिस्तान तुर्किस्तान जैसे और 50 देशों के भी धर्म और राज बच गए होते क्योंकि जब क़ासिम ने राजा दाहिर को हराया तो उनकी बेटियों पर भी कब्जा किया राज भी छीन लिया यही हाल यही हाल अलाउद्दिन गजनवी सब ने किया आज अगर हम अभी भी हिन्दू है तो इसका कारण ये है राजपूतों की मुगलों मुस्लिम मुसलमानों पर जीत 636 सबसे पहला आक्रमण अरबोने समुद्र के रास्ते से मुंबई के नजदीक थाना में किया जिसमें उनकी बुरी तरीके से हार हुई 640 में खलीफा उमर ने समुद्र के रास्ते से सिंध पर विशाल सेना भेजी लेकिन उनके कमांडर mugraiah को सिंध के ब्राम्हण राजा ने मार डाला खलीफा उमर की भारत के अलावा कही भी हार नहीं हुई थी इस हार से पूरा मुस्लिम जगत सुन्न...
BEFORE NAARATING THIS SEE HOW SOME PEOPLES HAVING BLUE TICK ARE MAKING DEROGATORY REMARKS ABOUT RAJPUTS THEY ARE PRPOGATING AS THAT RAJPUT HAD LOST ALL WARS AGAINST MUSLIMS SEE THE TWEET OF SANJEEV BHATT A COMMUNIST WEB SITE SROLL IN OWNED BY A MAHARASTRIAN samir PATIL is repeately making propganda as rajputs were not brave they saved their state by giving daughters to muslim in another words he is propagating as rajputs were dauters givers and only some maratha were brave see repeated article by scrool of sandip patil before narrative fact that almost all martial caste of india had given daughters to muslims for marriage see this blog in which 103 battles had been given from 690 to 1750 [1000 year ] in which rajput had badly defeated muslims so the in india we are 80 percent hindu whereas persia iran irak siria and others 50 countris were forced to be muslim within 100 year of islamik conquest but only ...
Reservation is not a fundamental right says Supreme Court see an article in hindu paper february 11 2020 Reservation as right: on Supreme Court judgment It is quite understandable that a recent Supreme Court judgment , that there is no fundamental right to claim reservation in promotions, has caused some political alarm. The received wisdom in affirmative action jurisprudence is that a series of Constitution amendments and judgments have created a sound legal framework for reservation in public employment, subject to the fulfilment of certain constitutional requirements. And that it has solidified into an entitlement for the backward classes, including the SCs and STs. However, the latest judgment is a reminder that affirmative action programmes allowed in the Constitution flow from “enabling provisions” and are not rights as such. This legal position is not new. Major judgments — these include those by Constitution Benches — note that Articl...
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