dalit leader wo demanded reservation on discrimination
27 august 1947 Shri V. I. Muniswami Pillai (Madras : General) Often it is said though the Depressed Classes have the required qualification, under some pretext or other they are not given chances in the service 30 november 1948 Shri R. M. Nalavade (Bombay: General): Our experiencein the provinces, though there are provisions forreservation in the services, is bitter. Even though thedepressed classes are educated and qualified, they are notgiven chances of employment under the ProvincialGovernments. Now that we have provided for this in the Constitution itself, there is no fear for the Scheduled castes. According to this clause we can be adequatelyrepresented in the provincial as well as in the Centralservices. I therefore support this clause on behalf of thedepressed classes. 30 november 1948 Shri H. J. Khandekar The condition of thescheduled castes has been explained by many friends who madetheir speeches in the House. The condition is so deplorabl...