
Showing posts from August, 2022

khatiya aur shoshan

  कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि उनको ब्राह्मणों ने  अपने साथ खटिया पर नहीं बैठने दिया उनके अनुसार दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा शोषण यही है भाईयो ठाकुर भी पहले ब्राह्मण के साथ खटिया पर नहीं बैठते थे  70 सालके ठाकुर 10 साल के ब्राह्मण को पायलगी करते थे  लेकिन क्या किसी ठाकुर को रोते देखा है कि ब्राह्मणों ने उनका शोषण कर लिया जब कोई बुजुर्ग ठाकुर किसी ब्राह्मण मित्र के घर जाता था और ब्राह्मण लड़का  बड़ा समझकर पैर छूने आता था तो वो पाप लग जाएगा कह कर रोक देते तो क्या इससे ठाकुरों का शोषण हो गया ठाकुरों के घर भोज में ब्राह्मण अपना खाना बनाकर खाते थे ठाकुरों का बनाया नहीं खाते थे तो क्या इससे ठाकुर छोटे और नीच हो गए ??बल्कि ठाकुरों ने सदैव उन ब्राह्मणों का सम्मान किया है जिन्होंने खुद अपना खाना बनाकर शुद्ध भोजन किया है उनको अच्छा ब्राह्मण नहीं माना जिन्होंने अपना खाना नहीं बनाया और आकर खा लिए खटिया पर ना बैठने देना भी कोई शोषण होता है?? अब देखो ब्राह्मणों ने अपने लिए क्या किया अपने लिए  धन इकट्ठा करना वर्जित कर दिया जिन ब्राह्मणों ने धान इकट्ठा किया उनको ब्राह्मण माना ही नहीं गय...

how beggars and magta caste was created in muslim rule in india

  Beggars LEGACY OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA   BY   K S Lal page 265 The story of the exploitation of the poor, both rural and urban, is unending. And the guiding principle of this pernicious practice was to leave the people with bare subsistence. No foreign traveller fails to notice it with disapproval if not actual disgust. It would appear that the lords and the upper classes in Turco-Mughal India derived a cynical pleasure in oppressing the poor. The result was as expected. Artisans, workers and labourers became lazy. Scarcely any one made an effort to climb the ladder to better prospects,166 so that for a job which one man would do in Holland, here passes through four mens hands before it is finished.167 Such exploitation in the Mughal period provided droves of khidmatgars to British officers and men when they established and ran their Raj in this country. Poorest of the poor Before closing, a word may be said about the exploitation of the poorest of the poor, the beg...


  TAX  MAFI  AND REWARD TO RAJAS AND KISANS WHO CONVERTED IN ISLAM LEGACY OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA  BY  K S Lal Page 235 to 236 Collection of Arrears We have earlier referred to the problem of collection of arrears. When agriculture was almost entirely dependent on rainfall and land tax was uniformally high , it was not possible for the peasants to pay their revenue regularly and keep their accounts ever straight with the government. The revenue used to fall into arrears. From the study of contemporary sources it is almost certain that there were hardly any remissions - even against conversion to Islam. MUSLIM RULERS WERE VERY KEEN ON PROSELYTIZATION. SULTAN FIROZ TUGHLAQ RESCINDED JIZIYAH FOR THOSE WHO BECAME MUHAMMADAN .41 Sometimes he also instructed his revenue collectors to accept conversions in lieu of Kharaj. 42 RAJAS AND ZAMINDARS WHO COULD NOT DEPOSIT LAND REVENUE OR TRIBUTE IN TIME HAD TO CONVERT TO ISLAM. 43 Bengal and Gujarat provide specific ins...


  BURNING OF LIBRARY BY MUSLIM RULERS/sultans LEGACY OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA   BY   K S LalPage 29 In the words of Easton, when the barbarous Turks entered into the Muslim heritage, after it had been in decay for centuries, did Islam destroy more than it created or preserved.81 For instance, Ibn Sina had died in Hamadan in 1037 and in 1150 the Caliph at Baghdad was committing to the flames a philosophical library, and among its contents the writings of Ibn Sina himself. In days such as these the Latins of the East were hardly likely to become scholars of the Muhammadans nor were they stimulated by the novelty of their surroundings to any original production.82 Similar was the record of the Turks in India. No universities were established by Muslims in medieval India. They only destroyed the existing ones at Sarnath, Vaishali, Odantapuri, Nalanda, Vikramshila etc. to which thousands of scholars from all over India and Asia used to seek admission. Thus, with the coming ...


  MUSLIM LEARNT SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGY FROM HINDUS LEGACY OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA   BY   K S LalPage 28 In the early years of Islam the Muslims concentrated mainly on translating and adopting Creek scholarship. Aristotle was their favourite philosopher. Scientific a nd mathematical knowledge they adopted from the Greeks and Hindus. This was the period when the Arabs imbibed as much knowledge from the West and the East as possible. In the West they learnt from Plato and Aristotle and in India Arab scholars sat at the feet of Buddhist monks and Brahman Pandits to learn philosophy, astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry and other subjects. Caliph Mansurs (754- 76) zeal for learning attracted many Hindu scholars to the Abbasid court. A deputation of Sindhi representatives in 771 C.E. presented many treatises to the Caliph and the Brahma Siddhanta of Brahmagupta and his KhandaKhadyaka, works on the science of astronomy, were translated by Ibrahim al-Fazari into Arabic ...


  PUNISHMENT TO BRAHMAN   FOR WORSHOPING HIND GOD AND     BURNING HIM BY MUSLIM   SULTAN LEGACY OF MUSLIM RULE IN INDIA   BY   K S Lal Page 20 A report was brought to the Sultan (Firoz Tughlaq 1351-88) that there was in Delhi an old Brahman (Zunar dar) who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house ; and that the people of the city, both Musalmans and Hindus, used to resort to his house to worship the idol. This Brahman had constructed a wooden tablet (muhrak), which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objects. On days appointed, the infidels went to his house and worshipped the idol, without the fact becoming known to the public officers. The Sultan was informed that this Brahman had perverted Muhammadan women, and had led them to become infidels. (These women were surely newly converted and had not been able to completely cut themselves off from their original faith). An order was accordingly ...

muslim sultans killed all male captured all women and made muslim in sistan and kabul

WILLDURINI was arab historian he had written history in arabic   H william illiot had translated it in history of india as told by its own historian volume 2 see cover page of book muslim attacked sistan and kabul and kill all male captured women and children made them slave and one fifth was sent to khalifa   but they spared king when he accepted islam 

rajput of gujrat defeated muslims several time

 hasan nizami was historian of mohammad gauri court he had written book tajul masir  sir william illiot had translated it in history of india as told by its own historian volume 2 see cover page of book page number 228 to 232 when prithviraj and jaychand  both were defeated by  gori chalukya king severy defeated gore commander  aibak in ajmer in 1995 aibak  was severly  wounded and escaped from battle latter he did not dare to fight again .he requested gori to send large army from gazani .  it is trustworty to note that gore empire was 15 times greater than gujrat empire and large army was assembled and commanders from whole gore empire were called   and a very large army was sent in command of zahan pahalwan ,asauddin khilji nasiruudin husain ijauudin sarafuddin muhammad jarah aibak  despite this huge army aibak  prepared 2 years then he dared to attack gujrat